A Note on Genres

Full-length book projects fall between 80,000 and 100,000 words. Generally, a manuscript over 100,000 words is considered long by publishing standards today. Agents interested in reading longer work may suggest substantial editing to a manuscript. 80,000 words at 250 words per page is 320 pages.
I specialize in memoir and fiction. If you have an idea for a romance, western, literary, science-fiction, core, or adventure novel, I can write you a great one. I accept screenwriting projects, either ghostwriting or doctoring, and self-help books.
People have stories to tell. They've lived amazing, unique lives and want to share their experiences with readers. Someone considering writing a memoir of their life can come from any lifestyle.
No one needs to be an adventurer, scaling mountains or running down the sides of volcanoes to be interesting. What makes the story beautiful is the way that it's told. Suppose you have a world of experience, relationships, and opportunities, family, all experienced from a domestic life of cooking and doing laundry people. In that case, your story will find readership if the writing is captivating. The subject matter has always been secondary to delivery. Consider how elemental the structure of Shakespeare's plays. King Lear tackles the subject of old age, senility, and loyalty. It's a simple story about a man and his daughters, made endearing because it's written and beautiful language.
There's something to be said about beautiful language. They can come from white people called poetic, finely crafted sentences, mom melodious sentences filled with precision, less common words, clever points of view, and sometimes philosophy, expressed in a tasteful way. Prose is also beautiful. A remark can be as witty and endearing if written by Pablo Neruda or Stephen King.
We may read the memoirs of Joan Didion, Ani DiFranco, or Trevor Noah because we like their work, but it's through an honest rendering of skill as a storyteller that makes theirs or anyone else's endearing.
If you’ve got a story of your life that you want to share but don't know how to get your ideas from your head to the page or don’t have time to write it yourself, I can write it for you how you envision it. You're ghostwritten book will look, feel and read like you wrote it. I will work with you to think through your idea, get an outline on paper and write your story how you want it to be told.

Your captivating idea can become a great book through collaboration.
Whether you’ve thought through the plot to the end or your idea is filled with bright spots that don't connect, I will help develop your story with you. Together we’ll brainstorm and develop your story, dialogue, and characters who live in the world you want to build.
Writing a novel is an exercise in planning and developing through trial and error ideas we’ve imaged that would make a great story.
Most novels contain characters, plots, dialogue, and narrative and have a beginning, middle, and end. Whether a novel is in traditional form or so experimental that it omits a core component of the form - Oulipo, for instance - the author may be conscious of short and long lines of tension strung through the sections of their book that keep the reader engaged. Together we’ll strategize to make your story a page-turner.
Recent Projects
Over the past eight months, I wrote a poetry book for an amazing client who gave me a window into her world. What's emerged is a book of poems about her romantic experience, but it's not quite love poetry. The work expresses an individual’s journey through a tenuous time when her heart was challenged by someone she had fallen in love with and most concerned with the relationship between freedom and where one’s heart leads them.

You only have one shot to make a first impression
Don't let the wrong words sabotage it
Whether you're making a sales pitch, creating a business plan, marketing your product or coming up with new online content, the right words are the difference between success and failure. I have the right words.
What you get
Deep research
Thorough research into your areas of interest (and if applicable) your markets, audiences, competitive landscape, untapped opportunities – a detailed understanding of your world
Quality of prose
The highest quality of writing that speaks to your target audience and best reflects your individual voice. Before any writing commences, we discuss and agree on a specific writing style & tonality
My full attention
We’ll work one on one for the duration of your project, during which I’ll devote my unlimited time and attention to your story. I’m on call while I am working for you
Authorship of your book
You are the author and retain all rights to your story. My services are 100% confidential
Ready to get started?
In our call, we will discuss your book idea, your goals for it, and how we would work together. If you want me to write your book, we'll schedule a follow up meeting to dive in to your idea and give it all the time it needs.